Drug addictions or substance abuse occurs when there is uncontrollable consumption of unnecessary and dangerous substances. Persons who have drug addiction disorder do not see this problem within them, and to often would find them selves helpless in getting away from the vice. As a result, drug dependents find themselves even craving for more of these substances that jeopardizes their health and mental status.
Substance abuse happen for many and varied reasons. Too often, people get into addiction unconsciously, in order to feel high or euphoric. This feeling itself motivates them to take in more substances until such time that they are unable to get away from it.
Drug addiction also happens as a result of family problems. Separation and divorce, as well as loss of job and the demise of a family member may also trigger somebody to try sniffing substances and taking drugs. It may also happen as a result of peer influence. Youth, for example, are more likely to develop drug addiction when most of his friends are into the devastating habit of drug and alcohol abuse.